2022: The fourth wave of democracy?

Birgitta Ohlsson considers how democracy supporters can help bring about a fourth wave of democracy for the National Democratic Institute (NDI). Useful initiatives could include democratic political parties uniting against anti-democratic forces, brining more women and young people into politics, and positively supporting democratisation rather than fighting against backsliding. Read the full piece here at … Continued

Biden, eurofederalists and eurosceptics

Jaap Hoeksma relates the eurofederalist vs euroskeptic debate that the European Union (EU) often finds itself embroiled in to the democratic principles which structure its functioning. The EU was the only international organisation to receive an invitation to the Summit, signalling that the Biden Administration views the EU as a functioning democratic orgaisation. Hoeksma argues … Continued

Real Anti-Corruption Reform Requires a Role for Civil Society

Gabe Lezra and Jenna Grande argue for a truly transparent public beneficial ownership registry to better enable oversight by civil society, a crucial step for anti-corruption as demonstrated by recent experiences in the US and EU, where public registries have been instituted. Read the full piece here in Just Security.

The Biggest Threat to Democracy? Fraud

Kathryn Westmore writes for the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) about potential issues surrounding the lack of focus on fraud as it relates to anti-corruption efforts. The Summit well-discussed the impact of corruption on democracy, but considerations on fraud usually included the looting of overseas funds or fraud related to elections, which while important, do not … Continued

Biden blundered by excluding Singapore from democracy summit

Dov S. Zakheim in the Hill criticises the exclusion of Singapore from the list of invitees in consideration of the wider context in the Asia-Pacific region. Singapore was recently described by the US State Department as, “one of the United States’ strongest bilateral partners in Southeast Asia and [one that] plays an indispensable role in … Continued

A summit for democracy or building a bloc to counter China and Russia?

Alex Folkes for the Foreign Policy Centre discussed the wider implications of the framing of the Summit based on two different possible framings of the Summit: an alliance of democracies intended to counter authoritarian forces such as China and Russia, or a summit for better democracy more generally. While not mutually exclusive, Folkes recommends that … Continued

A New Year’s Resolution on Democracy Promotion

Stewart M. Patrick and Ania Zolyniak for the Council on Foreign Relations considered the symbolic successes of the Summit and the value of its Year of Action moving forward. The Summit managed to shift the global discussion on democracy from a defensive position to a proactive one– rather than lamenting the challenges of democracy, countries … Continued

The Biden Democracy Summit: Will it actually work?

Norman Eisen, Andrew Kenealy, and Mario Picon of the Brookings Institute consider the opportunities for democratic support and renewal presented by the Summit and its Year of Action. Biden successfully conveyed his commitment to democracy and acknowledged shortcomings in US democracy. The decision for the Summit to focus on its three core pillars was helpful … Continued

Global Perspectives on Biden’s Democracy Summit

Four experts, Laurence Nardon, Yascha Mounk, Eghosa E. Osaghae, and Sook Jong Lee, reflect upon the Summit for the Council of Councils. Experts generally agree that the results of the Summit are mixed, but the event remains symbolically important, and the follow-up Summit presents opportunities for meaningful results. Read the full piece here at Council … Continued

3 reasons why Pakistan should have attended the Democracy Summit

Uzair Younus weighs in on Pakistan’s decision to skip the Summit. While the decision was ostensibly made to maintain its relationship with China, Younus argues that it will have an overall negative impact on Pakistan’s goals and its relations with the US. He gives three reasons for this conclusion: The decision reinforces that Pakistan is … Continued

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