Summit for Democracy Dialogue: Building Inclusive Coalitions Toward the Third Summit for Democracy

The International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance, in collaboration with the European Union and partner organisations of the Global Democracy Coalition, will be hosting a Summit for Democracy Dialogue: Building Inclusive Coalitions Toward the Third Summit for Democracy. The event will take place on 5 September in Tallinn, Estonia, on the occasion of the 2023 OGP Global Summit. This Summit for Democracy Dialogue will provide the space for representatives of governments and civil society to reflect together on how to engage new voices in the third Summit for Democracy and to create opportunities for civil society-government collaboration. Following a short input session, participants will join workshop groups to discuss the Summit for Democracy process as well as the overarching question of how to develop a new narrative on democracy.
17:00 – 17:05 Welcome
17:05 – 17:25 Lightning Talks
- Building a new narrative on democracy in a new geopolitical reality?
- The Global Democracy Coalition as an opportunity to build inclusive coalitions
- Applying OGP co creation and participation to the S4D process
- Lessons of the Youth Democracy cohort in building an inclusive coalition on youth
17:25 – 18:25 Knowledge Café
In smaller groups, participants will discuss one of these topics;
- The universal narrative on democracy as a possible outcome of the third S4D
- Building inclusive coalitions to pave the way to a successful third S4D
18:25 – 18:45 Presentation of Findings
18:45 – 19:00 Get Together and Drinks