The Future of Democracy: Strengthening Liberal Values, Institutions and Procedures at Global, European, Regional and National Levels

On 17 March 2022, the Hungarian Europe Society with the support of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom will hold an online conference about the future of democracy. The 21st century has seen new challenges for democracy, with authoritarianism rising globally over the past decade. Such new challenges include environmental emergency, an unknown pandemic, migration, growing economic inequalities, the contradictions of a post-truth era, ideological/cultural as well as social/geographic polarisation and fragmentation, and extreme right-wing identity politics. The event will feature two focuses: the Conference on the Future of Europe that was launched in May 2021, and second the Summit for Democracy. Both of these initiatives give civil groups, think tanks and citizens the chance to participate in conceptual considerations and practical outputs.
A full programme and list of speakers is available on the Hungarian Europe Society website.