The Global State of Democracy 2022 Global Launch Event

At the end of 2022, the world finds itself trapped beneath the weight of a multitude of old and new problems. Long-held assumptions have been shaken. Post-truth narratives have impacted the legitimacy of credibly elected leaders, interstate war has resurfaced, and the number of people who believe that democracy is still the answer to these problems is shrinking.
To rebuild and revitalize democratic institutions and to re-establish trust between the people and their governments, there is a need for new and innovative social contracts that better reflect the changing global environment and that meaningfully prioritize equity of access to the mechanisms of participation. In this context, International IDEA presents two new knowledge products under the Global State of Democracy Initiative:
- The Global State of Democracy 2022: Forging social contracts in a time of discontent
- Democracy Tracker, a new, monthly updated, qualitative database of democracy and human rights developments
The Global State of Democracy 2022 report, in its fourth edition, is based on a rigorous methodology that combines research expertise with on-the-ground experience to evaluate the state of democracy in 173 countries. The report offers an evidence-based analysis of both global and regional trends on democracy, complemented by case studies and a set of actionable recommendations for policymakers.
The Democracy Tracker is a unique online tool that will monitor democratic progress and challenges around the world. The Democracy Tracker has been designed to support decision-makers and democracy actors in their important work to strengthen democracy.
- Date: 30 November 2022, 16:00-18:00 CET
- Location: Stockholm and online
- Dr Kevin Casas-Zamora, Secretary-General of International IDEA
- Jutta Urpilainen, European Commissioner for International Partnerships
- Michael O’Flaherty, Director, EU Agency for Fundamental Rights
Presentation of the Global State of Democracy Report
- Dr Seema Shah, Head of Democracy Assessment, International IDEA
Panel Discussion
- Heidi Hautala, Vice-President of the European Parliament, (via video link)
- Delia Ferreira, Chair of Transparency International (via video link)
- Prof. Azza Karam, Secretary General, Religions for Peace International (via video link)
- Dr Julia Leininger, Chair, Transformation of Political (Dis-)Order, German Development Institute
Moderator: Sarah Crowe, Senior Consultant, UN Communications
Closing Remarks
- Jason LaTorre, Ambassador of Canada to Sweden
- Melanie Joly, Canada Minister for Foreign Affairs (TBC)
- Tobias Billström, Sweden Minister for Foreign Affairs