“Truth Decay” in Europe

On 20 September 2022, the German Marshall Fund of the United States will hold an event in Brussels discussing the results of a recent RAND Europe study exploring truth decay in Europe. Truth decay is the phenomenon seen across Europe and internationally whereby facts and evidence play a declining role in public life. The discussion will centre around issues such as the disagreement about facts and data and the blurring line between opinion and fact, and will compare situations between North America and Europe.
Speakers include:
- Stijn Hoorens, Office Director, RAND Europe Brussels, Senior Research Leader
- Axelle Devaux, Research Leader at RAND Europe
- Lutz Güllner, Head of Strategic Communications at European External Action Service
- David Salvo, Deputy Director of the Alliance for Securing Democracy (ASD), Senior Fellow at the German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF)
Moderator: Ian Lesser, Vice President and Executive Director, Brussels Office, GMF
Event date
20 September 2022
Organising parties

German Marshall Fund of the United States