Freedom House Nations in Transit 2022 Policy Recommendations

Freedom House has released policy recommendations targeted towards helping to counter authoritarianism and support human rights and democracy in the Nations in Transit region. Solutions will need to involve states, civil society and the private sector, and care should be taken to ensure that solutions do not result in strengthened undemocratic alliances. Recommendations focus on restricting the ability of authoritarians to co-opt the liberal international order and supporting democracy and its defenders. Freedom House recommends closing structural loopholes that enable the systemic corruption and kleptocracy that helps to empower autocrats, and refraining from making financial investments that undermine human rights and strengthen authoritarian regimes. Support for pro-democracy actors, civil society groups, human rights defenders, free and independent media, access to reliable information, and free and fair elections are crucial, including in addressing deficiencies in democracy at home and prioritising democratic values in the EU Integration process.
Read the full set of policy recommendations on the Freedom House website here.