Joint Statement: Call for a United Nations Special Rapporteur on Democracy

Together with more than 80 civil society organizations, networks, think tanks and institutions as well as numerous individuals, organizations from around the world are calling on the United Nations to appoint a UN Special Rapporteur on Democracy (UNRoD).
As observed in the joint statement led by Democracy Without Borders, democracy is threatened and authoritarianism is on the rise. Civic space and freedoms are fiercely and increasingly restricted in many countries. In addition, democratic backsliding or a decline in the quality of democracy is occurring across all regions.
Ahead of the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights on 10 December 2023, the statement emphasizes that a democratic society offers the best conditions for guaranteeing human rights for all. At the same time, full implementation of human rights is a foundation of a democratic society.
In past and present resolutions, including the Universal Declaration, the UN has expressed and reaffirmed its commitment to democratic principles. Now is the time for the UN to do more to strengthen human rights and democracy. A Special Rapporteur appointed by the Human Rights Council will help serve this purpose.
To read and endorse the joint statement: