Summit for Democracy Newsletter: Pre-Christmas Special 2023

Dear Summit for Democracy Friends,
We hope all is well with you! Due to important updates with the upcoming Summit for Democracy, we are releasing a special pre-Christmas Edition of our S4D newsletter to keep you informed. Learn more about the Summit, a recent Call for Proposals for organizations interested in participating, and more!
The Summit4Democracy newsletter is a joint initiative of the Global Democracy Coalition powered by Accountability Lab and International IDEA. The newsletter seeks to ensure that organizations involved in the Summit for Democracy and related processes are able to stay up-to-date on the activities, issues, and initiatives that emerged from those processes.
Would you like to submit to the newsletter and the S4D News and Resource Portal? Use our form here.
Summit for Democracy Updates

- The third Summit for Democracy is scheduled to take place in March 2024 in Seoul, Republic of Korea. The theme of the third Summit will be ‘Democracy for Future Generations.’
- The three-day Summit will feature a range of activities, including a Cohorts, Civil Society and Youth Engagement Day.
- S4D cohorts, civil society and youth organizations will have the opportunity to organize sessions related to their work from the Year of Action and other themes relevant to the Summit for Democracy. These sessions will be a central part of the Summit program. A call for proposals is now open for interested organizations.
- The International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA), the Organisation for Economic and Co-operation and Development (OECD), Open Government Partnership (OGP) and the Community of Democracies (CoD) will support the Republic of Korea in organizing the Cohorts, Civil Society and Youth Engagement Day.
- Would you like to submit a proposal for a session on the Cohorts, Civil Society and Youth Engagement Day of the Summit? Use this form to submit your proposal. Read the guidelines here. Submissions are due 21 January 2024.
S4D Stakeholder Updates

- The Youth Democracy Cohort published an article on COP28, written by Mark Ortiz, a fellow from the cohort’s Young Researchers program.
- Electoral Integrity Cohort’s co-lead, the International Foundation for Electoral Systems, and the Election Commission of Nepal organized a side-event at the Asian Electoral Stakeholders Forum in Kathmandu, Nepal on December 7 on Developing Voluntary Guidelines for Social Media during Elections, a key commitment from the cohort from the Summit for Democracy.
- Australia, Fiji, India, Maldives, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, and Timor Leste also participated. The group endorsed the need to bring social media giants and Electoral Management Boards together to work on developing guidelines for the electoral period – particularly on amplifying the EMBs as accurate sources of electoral information and addressing malign attacks on the integrity of the process and threats to election officials.
Events and Publications

- International IDEA has prepared a Brief ‘Reviewing the Summit for Democracy from a Participating Country Perspective’ which looks at countries’ experiences within the summit process and their views on the way forward towards the Third Summit. The Brief complements IDEA's Summit for Democracy impact report ‘Democratic Engagement after Two Summits for Democracy’.
- The Organization of American States celebrated their role in hosting two global Summits for Democracy and reaffirmed how President Biden’s Initiative for Democratic Renewal is in line with the Inter-American Democratic Charter agenda.
- The National Law Review argued that the SEC Must Improve Whistleblower Program to Align with the Summit for Democracy’s Anti-Corruption Initiative
- Norman Eisen and Fred Dews of the Brookings Institution spoke on the focus on anti-corruption efforts in the Summit for Democracy, in regards to how anti-corruption efforts strengthen global democracy and security. It was also spoken about in the inaugural event for the Brooking’s Anti-Corruption, Democracy, and Security (ACDS) project.
Relevant Tools and Resources

The Summit For newsletter is a joint output of the Global Democracy Coalition, powered by Accountability Lab and International IDEA.
Cover Photo: Photo by Alex Radelich on Unsplash
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