Biden’s Initiative for Democratic Renewal: How to Account for Conflict and Fragility

Lauren Mooney writes in Just Security about how Biden’s Presidential Initiative for Democratic Renewal can better account for conflict and fragility in certain states. Major complex challenges for democracy assistance in fragile states include violence, an underlying lack of public trust in governance institutions, and deep societal divides. The US’ approach to democracy assistance in … Continued

Strengthening Democracy Is a Better Counterterrorism Strategy

Jason S Calder and Lauren van Metre write in Foreign Policy, considering the gaps in the Summit’s discussion regarding the impact on democracy building in fragile states US approach to countering terrorism and violent extremist groups. The authors argue that incorporating commitments on anti-corruption, human rights and opening civic spaces into the US counter-terrorism approach … Continued

Biden Doesn’t Know What He Thinks About Sanctions

Paul Massaro and Benjamin L. Schmitt in Foreign Policy consider the United States’ failure to pose sanctions against corrupt global actors, notably Russia after it’s latest escalation of its invasion in Eastern Ukraine in light of its commitments to anti-corruption that were released in the lead-up to the Summit. The authors praise the United States Strategy … Continued

Real Anti-Corruption Reform Requires a Role for Civil Society

Gabe Lezra and Jenna Grande argue for a truly transparent public beneficial ownership registry to better enable oversight by civil society, a crucial step for anti-corruption as demonstrated by recent experiences in the US and EU, where public registries have been instituted. Read the full piece here in Just Security.

The Biggest Threat to Democracy? Fraud

Kathryn Westmore writes for the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) about potential issues surrounding the lack of focus on fraud as it relates to anti-corruption efforts. The Summit well-discussed the impact of corruption on democracy, but considerations on fraud usually included the looting of overseas funds or fraud related to elections, which while important, do not … Continued

How to Deliver for Citizens in Fragile States After the Democracy Summit

Corinne Graff of the United States Institute of Peace considered the potential for the Summit to have a positive impact in fragile states. While the Summit focussed on several of the governance challenges that affect fragile states, notably anti-corruption, only 18 out of the 111 invitees were conflict-affected. Given that civil wars are increasingly shaped … Continued

TI Canada: Canada’s Anti-Corruption Commitments at the Summit for Democracy Have Promise, But More Details Are Needed

In the aftermath of the Summit, Transparency International (TI) Canada released a statement assessing Canada’s anti corruption commitments. While there are many elements that TI Canada applauds, such as acknowledging the importance of the media and journalists and the gendered dimension to corruption, and Canada’s recommitment to the establishment of a publicly available beneficial ownership … Continued

Summit for Democracy: First outcomes show promise

Transparency International welcomed the announced US initiatives at the Summit, which show promise for fighting corruption and safeguarding democracy. They recommend that the Summit hosts and participants design an inclusive and participatory process throughout the Year of Action to deliver on their goals. Meaningful engagement with civil society will be key to this process. Read … Continued

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