Strengthening Democracy Is a Better Counterterrorism Strategy

Jason S Calder and Lauren van Metre write in Foreign Policy, considering the gaps in the Summit’s discussion regarding the impact on democracy building in fragile states US approach to countering terrorism and violent extremist groups. The authors argue that incorporating commitments on anti-corruption, human rights and opening civic spaces into the US counter-terrorism approach … Continued

Will Biden deliver on his commitment to Africa in 2022?

Witney Schneidman considers the future for American support and investments in Africa. During his electoral campaign, President Biden made bold statements rooted in cooperation and democracy. The US Secretary of State, Senator Anthony Blinken, stated that infrastructure projects would build upon democratic principles, echoing the main themes of the Summit. Schneidman considers the broader context … Continued

2022: The fourth wave of democracy?

Birgitta Ohlsson considers how democracy supporters can help bring about a fourth wave of democracy for the National Democratic Institute (NDI). Useful initiatives could include democratic political parties uniting against anti-democratic forces, brining more women and young people into politics, and positively supporting democratisation rather than fighting against backsliding. Read the full piece here at … Continued

How to Deliver for Citizens in Fragile States After the Democracy Summit

Corinne Graff of the United States Institute of Peace considered the potential for the Summit to have a positive impact in fragile states. While the Summit focussed on several of the governance challenges that affect fragile states, notably anti-corruption, only 18 out of the 111 invitees were conflict-affected. Given that civil wars are increasingly shaped … Continued

A New Year’s Resolution on Democracy Promotion

Stewart M. Patrick and Ania Zolyniak for the Council on Foreign Relations considered the symbolic successes of the Summit and the value of its Year of Action moving forward. The Summit managed to shift the global discussion on democracy from a defensive position to a proactive one– rather than lamenting the challenges of democracy, countries … Continued

Biden’s Summit for Democracy Ignored the Middle East

Charles W. Dunne writes for the Arab Center Washington DC (ACW) considers the limited impact of the Summit in the Middle East, with only Israel and Iraq appearing on the list of invitees. While the Summit made modest successes, the lack of voices from the Middle East left few opportunities for support and commitments in … Continued

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