The Russian Propaganda in Arabic Hidden from the West

Nadia Oweidat outlines the concerning impact of Russian narratives in Arabic social media depictions of Russia’s unjustified invasion of Ukraine. The messaging is overwhelmingly pro-Russian, with little to no pro-Western or pro-democracy voices. Given the propensity of leaders in the Gulf region to support authoritarian regimes, and increasing anti-Western and anti-democratic messaging over the past … Continued

Georgia must bolster resilience to information warfare

Isabella Wilkinson and Tamar Dekanosidze consider the implications of the Russian invasion of Ukraine for the information landscape of and fight against disinformation in Georgia. Similar to in Ukraine, the Kremlin has been waging a long-term information campaign in Georgia, with war in Ukraine amplifying the urgency of decisive action to build resilience in Georgia … Continued

America Needs a Better Plan to Fight Autocracy

Anne Applebaum criticises the US and International approach to autocracies in the Atlantic, making broad recommendations for change in the new context caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Autocrats help each other globally by sharing resources and tactics in a loosely-organised group of countries rejected by the West, with the goal to confuse the truth … Continued

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