Why We Need a Transatlantic Democracy Agenda

Marie Kwon argues in the German Marshall Fund of the United States that for countries to successfully address democratic decline, transatlantic partners must take a collaborative approach. She notes that neither the US nor the EU has emerged unscathed from the past ten years of democratic decline, and that the shortcomings in the world's established democracies need to be admitted and addressed for other countries to trust in the process moving forward. The US especially must focus on rebuilding trust with its partners and civil society, many of which were left skeptical due to the guest list, closed-off virtual format, and US strategic posturing. However, the Summit has brought renewed focus on the need to revitalise democracy, with 91 per cent of countries demonstrating a commitment to their democracies at home and the event generating considerable buzz on Twitter. The second Summit must be rooted in an inclusive agenda, with established democracies, especially the US, admitting and addressing their faults and coming to the table ready to work together on the basis of cooperation and humility.