Financial Transparency and Integrity

The Cohort on Financial Transparency and Integrity (FTI) was established to address deficiencies in financial systems that may enable or facilitate corruption and money laundering. The FTI cohort was officially launched on 21 July 2022, where civil society and government representatives shared initial reactions, recommendations and questions regarding the Cohort’s high-level objectives and activities. The … Continued

Elections Integrity

The Cohort on Elections Integrity was established to provide training and capacity building programmes to Election Management Bodies (EMBs) across the world and technical consultancy as per needs of other EMBs. It was officially launched at a two-day conference on 31 October and 1 November 2022 on ‘the Role, Framework and Capacity of Election Management … Continued

Disability Rights

The Cohort on Disability Rights was established to support people with disabilities in participating in government institutions, public policy and legislation, providing the basis for promoting equality in all aspects of society by breaking down social stigmas and increasing accountability. Disability rights are important for democracy because while one out of every seven people in … Continued

Deliberative Democracy and Citizens’ Assemblies

The Cohort on Deliberative Democracy and Citizens’ Assemblies was established to give everyday citizens a more meaningful role in public decisions through citizens’ assemblies, by bringing together a random sample of the community with a wide range of views and giving them access to a diversity of sources as well as ample time to discuss … Continued

Civic Space

The Cohort on Civic Space was established to identify common commitments to strengthen support to and protection of civil society actors and civic space for democracy. It was officially launched at an online meeting on 5 December 2022 to clarify the process and how workstreams were selected to stakeholders, and to solicit input and reflections … Continued

Anticorruption Policies as a Guarantee for National Security, Stability and Sovereignty

The Cohort for Anticorruption policies as a guarantee for national security, stability and sovereignty was established to build an informal alliance between States with comparable problems by identifying challenges and overviewing the approaches to overcome them across five topics relating to national anticorruption policies. The Cohort was officially launched at a kick-off event on 19 … Continued

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