Transnational Repression: The Long Arm of Authoritarianism

On 28 September 2022, Freedom House will hold a webinar that will bring together experts to discuss the issue of transnational repression, whereby autocratic forces work to silence dissent in the diaspora. Current trends, methods of repression, country case studies, and policy recommendations will be discussed.

“Truth Decay” in Europe

On 20 September 2022, the German Marshall Fund of the United States will hold an event in Brussels discussing the results of a recent RAND Europe study exploring truth decay in Europe. Truth decay is the phenomenon seen across Europe and internationally whereby facts and evidence play a declining role in public life. The discussion … Continued

Global Democracy Coalition: International Democracy Day Conference

In celebration of International Democracy Day 2022, the Global Democracy Coalition, currently coordinated by International IDEA, will hold an event on 15 September 2022 to celebrate democracy defenders across diverse contexts, and to discuss the most effective ways to support them, to advance and protect democracy worldwide, showcasing stories and examples from partner organizations in … Continued

International Democracy Day Brussels 2022

The European Endowment for Democracy (EED), European Partnership for Democracy (EPD), International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA), European Network of Political Foundations (ENoP), and Carnegie Europe are proud to organise the 2022 edition of the International Democracy Day Brussels conference. The event will take place at the European Committee of the Regions in … Continued

Russian Cyberwarfare: Unpacking the Kremlin’s Capabilities

On 8 September 2022, the Center for European Policy Analysis will hold a virtual event to discuss Russia’s successes in using complex cyber operations to exploit systemic vulnerabilities in key areas throughout the 21st century. The lack of use of cyberattacks in Ukraine has raised important questions about the Kremlin’s use of these tools. The discussion will … Continued

Freedom House Report Launch: Beijing’s Global Media Influence: Authoritarian Expansion and the Power of Democratic Resilience

On 8 September 2022, Freedom House will hold a virtual event to discuss the findings of its newest report, Beijing’s Global Media Influence: Authoritarian Expansion and the Power of Democratic Resilience. The report documents how efforts by the Chinese government are accelerating in their influence of democratic media and public discussion worldwide, establishes which countries … Continued

Anti-corruption’s cutting edge: New directions in beneficial ownership transparency

Beneficial ownership transparency is increasingly crucial for the fight against corruption and protecting and promoting democracy, as reflected in the commitments made by different nations during the December 2021 Summit for Democracy. Important questions include how to best ensure the accuracy of registries, and to what extent they should be accessible for key stakeholders. On … Continued

Stopping the Spread of Online Mis- and Disinformation

As our communications and the electoral campaign increasingly move online, mis- and disinformation has proliferated, threatening our democracies and electoral processes. New policy frameworks are emerging and being proposed that will have global implications for election integrity, national security, and free expression. The discussion will focus on the future of online communications and the role … Continued

Breaking Barriers. Women and Politics in Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine

On 21 July 2022, the German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF) will hold an online event to discuss key questions regarding women’s political representation in Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. Discussion points will include the factors which continue to hinder female participation, the performance to-date of equality tools in the three countries, and recommendations … Continued

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