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Past events

Partners for Democracy Day 2024
UNCAC Conference of the States Parties (CoSP) 2023
EU-NGO Forum on Human Rights
25th EU-NGO Forum on Human Rights
Freedom Lecture 2023: Free and Fair Elections in the New Democracy Age
Open Government for Stronger Democracies: Launch of the Global Assessment on Open Government
Third Summit for Information and Democracy
Forum 2000
27th Forum 2000 Conference
International Democracy Day 2023 – Brussels
2023 OGP Global Summit: Tallinn, Estonia
Summit for Democracy Dialogue: Building Inclusive Coalitions Toward the Third Summit for Democracy
Launch of International IDEA’s Summit for Democracy Impact Report
gender cohort
Unpacking Democracy: Why Gender Equality Matters
How to increase youth engagement and participation in democracies
Youth Democracy Cohort in Costa Rica
Championing Digital Democracy for All: Collective Action from the Technology for Democracy Cohort
Partners for Democracy Day
Pre-Summit for Democracy Dialogue In Defense of Democracy – Citizens Summit On Democracy
Youth Democracy Cohort in Zambia
Gender Cohort: Gender Equality as a Prerequisite for Democracy
Global Democracy Coalition Forum 2023
EU´s external democracy action in a new geopolitical reality
Summit for Democracy Year of Action Dialogue
The Global State of Democracy 2022 Global Launch Event
Constitutionalism in Europe: Current Challenges and Prospects for the Future
Promoting the role of youth in political and democratic spaces
How the EU Can Safeguard Media Freedom and Pluralism in Hungary and Poland
Roundtable: Women at the Nexus of Recovery and Reconstruction – Driving Global Political Participation
Launch of the Digital Campaigning and Political Finance in the Asia and the Pacific Region report
REPORT LAUNCH: Freedom on the Net 2022
Transnational Repression: The Long Arm of Authoritarianism
“Truth Decay” in Europe
Global Democracy Coalition: International Democracy Day Conference
International Democracy Day Brussels 2022
Freedom House Report Launch: Beijing’s Global Media Influence: Authoritarian Expansion and the Power of Democratic Resilience
Russian Cyberwarfare: Unpacking the Kremlin’s Capabilities
Stopping the Spread of Online Mis- and Disinformation
Anti-corruption’s cutting edge: New directions in beneficial ownership transparency
Youth Brain Drain in the Western Balkans: Shifting Perspectives and Policies
Breaking Barriers. Women and Politics in Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine
Progress on SDG16: How are we doing and what happens if we fail?
Advancing LGBTQIA+ Rights via U.S. Foreign Policy
Post Summit for Democracy Dialogue: Analyzing country commitments and exploring opportunities for engagement
Democratic Reforms for Ukraine’s EU Integration: Dialogue with Leading Reformers
The State of Democracy in Latin America and the World
Post-Mortem: Russian and Chinese COVID-19 Information Operations
Global Summit for Democracy 2022 – European Regional Forum
Democracy in Action: Zero Corruption Conference
Launch of Defending Democracy in Exile: Policy Responses to Transnational Repression
Youth civic and political participation: shaping our democracies and our fight on climate change
Can the Summit for Democracy Support Open Governance?
Women’s Political Leadership Amid Closing Space in ASEAN
Panel discussion: What happened in the Philippine elections?
U.S. and European Strategies to Tackle Human Rights in Global Supply Chains
IFES: Democratic Challenges in Europe: Recent Elections in Serbia and Hungary — What Lies Ahead? 
Disinformation and its Impact on Democratic Processes
Freedom House Report Launch: Nations in Transit 2022
The State of Democracy in North Africa and the Middle East
China-EU Relations Amid the Ukraine Crisis
The War in Ukraine: Geopolitical Implications for Eurasia
The Shifting Global Balance of Autocracy and Democracy
Responsible AI in a Global Context
Democracy at a Tipping Point?
Hungarian Parliamentary Elections: Democratic Backsliding or Democratic Revival?
V-Dem Democracy Report 2022 Discussion
Chinese Disinformation Fuels the War in Ukraine
Disinformation and the Erosion of Democracy
Democratic Resilience and Backsliding: Coping with the Challenges of the Post-Pandemic World
Operationalizing responsible AI
Post-Summit Reflections – Analysis of Written Country Commitments
Twitter Chat: “Will the Summit for Democracy Commitments lead to Action?”
Tearing Down the Curtain: Countering the Kremlin’s Information War
Conference on Environmental Democracy
Hungary’s Elections: Scenarios and Implications for Euro-Atlantic Partners
Propaganda, Politics, and War: Information Manipulation in France’s Presidential Election
Russia’s Crackdown on Independent Media and Access to Information Online
Foreign Policy and IFES Virtual Dialogue: Corruption and Democratic Decay
Building a Digital Alliance for the 21st Century
Ukraine and Taiwan: Parallels and Early Lessons Learned
France and the Western Response to Russia’s War on Ukraine
The new geopolitics of state fragility
Consequences of the War in Ukraine on the Middle East
The Future of Democracy: Strengthening Liberal Values, Institutions and Procedures at Global, European, Regional and National Levels
How can democracies harness technology to promote inclusive economic growth and development?
How Can We Get EU Recovery Right?
Russia’s Southern Game: NATO’s Southern Flank after the Ukraine Invasion
Political Violence and Our Democratic Future
Erdoğan’s Turkey Explained
Global Security Forum: Foreign Policy in an Era of Domestic Division
Consolidating Democracy: A Candid Discussion with Kenyan Deputy President William Ruto
Democracy for Vietnam: Obstacles and Opportunities
Standing With Ukraine: Strengthening Crisis Support
An Offshore Cold War: Forging a Democratic Alliance to Combat Transnational Kleptocracy
Rights Revoked: The State of Human Rights in Afghanistan After Six Months of Taliban Rule
Launch of Democracy Report 2022 & V-Dem Dataset version 12
How the Baltic States Are Supporting Ukraine
Countering Coups in the Greater Sahel
The Contribution of Czechia, Lithuania, and Slovakia to the Summit for Democracy Process
Responding to Russian Cyber Operations
Webinar: Securing Democracy from Illicit Finance: Strengthening the First Mile
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